Saturday, November 12, 2011


I'll be so glad when this year is over because quite frankly... the last almost four months have sucked. Allen's dad's health has deteriorated a lot over the last few months. They took him to the doctor earlier this week and ran a bunch of tests and then admitted him to the hospital for more tests. They had a "family meeting" this afternoon. Apparently, his kidneys are shutting down. Allen said they said they were at about 19% right now. They are giving him 3-6 months to live.

My heart is so broken for him right now. I mean I know his dad isn't young (74) and he's lived a long life... but still, I don't think you can ever be really ready to say goodbye to someone you love. Allen loves his dad so much and they are such a close knit family. I mean, heck... the entire family lives on the same road and we can see each others houses from our driveways. Allen's parents just celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary in June. I can't begin to imagine having to say goodbye to a person that you've loved for that long. I've known my father-in-law since I was 14 years old. My heart is breaking at the thought of having to say goodbye.

Allen said that he won't talk and is ignoring the doctors. He said the doctors were in shock that he was talking last night to Cameron. He carried on a whole conversation with Cameron on the phone. I was okay until Allen told me that. All of a sudden it hit me, that not only are Allen and I going to have to say goodbye... Cameron is losing his PawPaw. My son has lost so much over the last few months and it kills me to think of having to explain this to him. With Nathan, Cameron never saw him and I don't think really got what I was telling him (about Nathan dying and going to Heaven). How do you explain death to a 3 year old? This will be the first "real" loss that Cameron has experienced. He was still so little when my brother, Dustyn died back in 2009... plus, he didn't know Dustyn. (They live 12+ hours away.) How am I supposed to prepare him to say goodbye to his PawPaw?

Please keep Allen's family in your prayers, as they try make final memories and prepare to say goodbye.

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