Monday, September 5, 2011

A Good Weekend

It has been a good weekend... for which I'm thankful. It didn't start out so great on Friday and I was wondering if it was going to be all bad. I went to work and just before time to come home, a co-worker and I were approached by two other co-workers. They mentioned that they were going to do a cake raffle to raise money for another co-worker, who is out because of a car accident. I know I'm being emotional and over-sensitive but it kinda hurt my feelings. Two departments, that I don't even work with, gave me a card and money... one department before I even returned to work. I got a card from my department towards the end of the week when I returned, after I posted a thank you card for the other departments. It was appreciated but it almost felt like a "whoops, I guess we need to give" card. I was out almost a month. It felt like they all just forgot about me during that time and once I was back to work, they realized they hadn't done anything. I don't want people's pity but it would've been nice to have my loss acknowledged when it happened, not more than a month later. Another co-worker lost everything in a fire right before I had Nathan. They had money and furniture donations going to her the day after it happened. I know, I know... I'm being ungrateful. It just kinda bothered me. I should be happy that I received a card at all. What's the saying... "better late than never"?

Anyway, I got home and told Allen about it... which of course ended up with me crying. He and I talked for a bit. My therapist had been urging me to talk to him. Things haven't really changed for us but I feel a little better that he knows how I feel and I know where he is (as far as him acting the way he does about it). He's not trying to be mean or insensitive... it's just how he is. He was very close to his brother and he rarely talks about him. He basically feels like it won't change anything and that there's no point in living in the past. You remember them but don't dwell on the what if's or might have been's. If only I could get my mind wrapped around that idea... but I just can't. I asked him if he though what I was doing with Nathan's project was a good thing. He said, "Helping people is always a good thing." It felt good to feel like I had his approval and blessing. I'm not saying I needed it but it felt good to have my decision supported by him.

My sister-in-law and her husband went to PA to visit family for the weekend. They came home today and she brought a beautiful prayer shawl back. Their cousin, Hope made it for me. Isn't it beautiful?!?!

Most of this weekend has been spent being lazy. I didn't even get out of my pj's until almost 1pm today. I've got one load of laundry done. Well, almost done... they are dry in the dryer. ;-) I guess tomorrow will be spent trying to get things back in order for the work week to begin again.

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