Saturday, April 21, 2012

Post-Op, Part One

This was what I posted on my Facebook page on Friday...

And boy did I mean it!!! I was so nervous up until right before I went in Thursday. Right before they came and got me, I told my mom that if anything were to happen to me during surgery; I had left a letter for Cameron in his memory box. Mom said, "You'll be fine. I don't smell flowers and haven't in awhile."

Yes, I know that sounds weird but my mom has this scary, freaky ability to "smell death". She never knows who, when, what or where it will happen... she just knows that someone is going to die (usually within the next 2 weeks). She'll smell funeral flowers. The stronger the smell, the closer she is to the person.

I'm not sure how funeral flowers smell different than any other flower... but to her, they have a distinctly different smell. Somehow, just hearing her say that seemed to put my mind as ease. I actually walked into surgery and got on the OR table completely calm. I feel a bit silly, looking back now, but that pre-op fear really got a hold of me.

My pre-op picture, right before walking into the OR.

I'm sitting here on the couch, spoiling my child... allowing him to stay up late. We're chillin' on the couch - me on my laptop and him watching his super heroes (The Avengers) on Daddy's cellphone via Netflix. I love it!!

Above: Mommy trying to be sneaking and grab a picture but he caught me. I got part of
his head. It's hard taking a picture when you can't see what's in the frame. LOL.

Well, I'm going to make this short... I'll update again later.

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