Thursday, October 13, 2011

Variety of things...

I've been meaning to come on here but it seems like there are not enough hours in the day. So many things have happened over the last week or so. I don't even remember where to begin so forgive me as I may jump from one subject to the next.

I had a co-worker ask me, last Tuesday, if I would spread the word about another co-worker's baby shower. (They had changed the date.) I realize that I'm not in a room and I have "free access" to other people throughout my building. That said, however, did I REALLY need to be the person to ask? The shower was for the husband because he is in our department. His wife is in another department on the same shift. (Her department threw her a shower the week before.) She and I were about 5-6 weeks apart. Like I wanted to be reminded that they are having a baby shower because she IS still pregnant. Then come to find out... a co-worker I told, forgot about it and I guess some others did too. So guess who got blamed? Yeap, me. I heard that the original co-worker blamed me because I was supposed to let everyone know. WHATEVER!?!?! I know that I put aside my feelings and did what she asked me to do. I wasn't ugly or jealous. Hell, I even bought them a cake and a baby shower gift! I'm truly happy for them but it still hurts to know that I should be going into my 30th week of pregnancy this Friday.

I found out last week that a friend at work is expecting. Apparently, everyone else knew but she was scared to tell me. She didn't want to hurt my feelings. That meant a lot to me. It took everything in me to walk up and give her a hug without crying. I teared up and have to walk away after giving her a hug and telling her congratulations. She's due in May. I should've had a 5 month old by then. :-(

I finally met a fellow baby loss friend. She lost her son a week after I lost Nathan. We met online through a mutual friend. She and I attended our local 'Walk to Remember'. It was a beautiful ceremony.

I got pouches in the mail last week and today from two of my Birth Club friends. They are beautiful!!! I was telling a co-worker about them tonight and she mentioned that she crochets and would love to make some blankets/pouches/hats! Yipee... I'm so excited!!!

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