Sunday, August 19, 2012


Never in my life have I experienced depression... until now. Over the last few weeks, I've noticed a change. I can't pinpoint exactly when it started but last week, I was certain of it. I spoke to my therapist about it at our session on Wednesday. She had me take the "Beck test" and according to my "score" I'm between moderate to severe. However, most of my answers lean toward a physiological depression instead of a "normal" chemical depression. She feels that medication may not help because I don't have any chemical or hormonal imbalance factors. (I know I'm not explaining it like she did but I don't really know how.) She said we would continue to work through and discuss it more at my next session. I don't really want medication. That just makes me feel weak. I was embarrassed for saying anything to begin with and agreeing to do the test.

No offense to anyone else but I've never thought of myself as one of "those" people (depressed people). I've always been the person who manages a smile or manages an "over-coat" to life's ups and downs. I've become pretty good at it. I don't like people thinking of me as "less than". I'm extremely private when it comes to my feelings and talking about them. My therapist knows more than anyone and even then, it's taken over a year to even start being honest and open with her. There is just something scary and intimidating about looking at a person (any person) and bearing my soul to them. I think that's why I tend to like this blog and my online friendships. I have the safety and protection of my screen between us.

I hate the way this feels. Every time I feel like I'm having a good day or thought, something starts to pull me back into a dark hole. It sucks.


  1. I saw a therapist for a while, but I stopped going after I broke down in tears one day and she just sat there watching me cry. I'm not sure what else I expected her to do, but it just felt so weird.

    Has your workout helped any with the depression? That used to help me a lot, when I actually made time for it.

  2. *hugs* there is no shame in feeling as you do. I am very private and put on a "good face" for the world. Sometimes it's just in the stillness of night, when I sit alone, that I allow myself to be open about my feelings and pain. You are brave for sharing your feelings. A beautiful, brave, strong mother
